Magical Wedding at The Ridge in Asheville, North Carolina

Everything about this day was magic. B + B had an unforgettable celebration that was completely authentic and unique to them. Every detail was so thoughtful and together created a beautiful celebration filled with so much love.

Their family & friends took in the breathtaking mountain views surrounding The Ridge Asheville to the sounds of our bluegrass trio. They were then invited inside for dinner to the jazzy sounds of saxophone and guitar. There was even a surprise a cappella performance by their friends - and B joined in! When the dance party began, Live Saxophone accompanied the DJ set and they danced the night away. The evening ended with a perfect private dance, just for B + B to soak into the wonder of the day.

An absolutely incredible team put this dream of a wedding together.


Planner: Meagan Warren Weddings, @meaganwarren | Photographer: Morning Wild Photography, @megangielow | Venue: The Ridge Asheville, @theridgeavl | Stationary: Iris & Marie Letterpress, @irisandmariepress | Florist: Floressence Flowers, @floressenceflowers | Videographer: Matt and Meredith Films, @mattandmeredithfilms | Cake: Verbena Cakes and Catering, @verbenacakesandcatering | HMUA: Ana Rie, @anarie_brides and Salon Zhenya, @salonzhenya | Cocktail Hour Bluegrass Band, Dinner Jazz Duo, Reception Live-Mix DJ with Live Saxophone, Percussion, Sound, & Lighting: T. Warner Artists, @twarnerartists | Linens: La Tavola Fine Linen, @latavolalinen


Mid-Century Modern Mountain Wedding at The Cabin Ridge


Magnificent Wedding at the Omni Grove Park Inn